Tesla's End-of-season 'showdown' Sees Fremont Factory Parking Lot Filled With Employees' Cars
Sept. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Despite Tesla CEO Elon Musk's previous comments that Tesla might limit its frenetic end-of-quarter growth, the automaker's production seems to be steadily increasing each quarter, even reaching a whole new level at the end of each quarter.
Tesla appealed to any available employees to help in any way possible, all in an effort to further increase the company's deliveries by the end of the quarter.
With only one week left in the quarter, it's "showdown time" for Tesla. User Aristotle Sacramento (@arisyabish) put up a series of photos showing that the parking lot at Tesla's Fremont plant is currently full of employees' cars.
I usually park in front of the Tesla sign, but today, since it's the end of the quarter, it looks like a packed house. Guess what time it is? It's 3:56 a.m.! But I bet you there are still people coming to grab a parking spot at this hour.
Tesla spends the first half of each quarter exporting its products from its factories for delivery in the farthest markets, and as the quarter draws to a close, Tesla will focus more on deliveries in its home market. For this reason, Tesla's factories in Shanghai, Berlin, and Fremont are all starting to get busy.
This end-of-quarter sprint strategy by Tesla has helped them increase deliveries many times before, and the Fremont plant is the only Tesla superfactory that can produce all four models.
Currently the Shanghai superfactory can only produce the Model 3 and Model Y, while the Berlin and Texas plants can only produce the Model Y, at least for now.
Some Tesla investors said they were happy to see this scenario, as Tesla reported 254,695 car deliveries in the second quarter, down from 311,048 in the first quarter, so they were looking forward to the third quarter.
This comes after an analyst toured Tesla's Fremont plant, which he expects to deliver 145,000 electric cars in the fourth quarter, 246,000 at the Shanghai superfactory, and 60,000 each at the Berlin and Texas superfactories, for a combined total of 511,000 deliveries from all four plants.
Although the third quarter is not yet over and Tesla's production and deliveries for the quarter are not yet known, analysts believe that the 51,000 units delivered in the fourth quarter will set a new high for Tesla's quarterly deliveries.
It's worth noting that Tesla's highest production and delivery quarters so far were the fourth quarter of last year and the first quarter of this year, when 305,840 units were produced and 308,600 units were delivered in the fourth quarter of last year, and 305,400 units were produced and more than 310,000 units were delivered in the first quarter of this year.
From what is known so far, after the July upgrade, Tesla's Shanghai Super Factory can reach a capacity of 14,000 Model Y and 8,000 Model 3 per week, and is expected to produce at least 750,000 units a year and up to 1.1 million units. As a result, the Tesla Shanghai Superfactory is already one of Tesla's highest capacity factories.factory is already one of Tesla's highest capacity factories.